Updated 15 June, 2022
Main Collection
Updated 15 June, 2022

Microform materials include microfilms and microfiches on:


  • ERIC documents
  • Overseas theses
  • Out-of-print books
  • Cabinet reports
  • Back issues of newspapers, journals and magazines


Access to microform materials

Please approach the staff at Service Point for help in retrieving the microforms.

Reading, printing and scanning microform materials


  • All Library members and holders of Temporary Reader's Permits may read, print and scan microform materials.
  • Materials can be read using the microform reader-printer located in the Reserves (outside the Private Viewing Room).
  • Printing and scanning to PDF are chargeable at $0.025 per page.
  • Please approach the Service Point for assistance in reading or printing on the machine. 
  • For scanning to PDF, please email your request to libris@nie.edu.sg one (1) working day in advance.