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MathSciNet via EBSCOhost
MathSciNet® is an electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offering access to a searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. MathSciNet is an online resource for information on mathematics and applications in mathematical sciences including statistics, engineering, mathematical physics, mathematical economics, mathematical biology, operations research and computer science.
Library Literature & Information Science via EBSCOhost [NTU Subscription]
Library Literature & Information Science provides cover-to-cover full-text articles from select publications, along with indexing and abstracts of key library and information science periodicals, state journals, conference proceedings, books, library school theses and pamphlets. The database focuses on library studies and how technology and the development of the Internet have changed the library experience and research in general, as well as funding challenges and how libraries meet them, and literacy, numeracy, and special education issues.
Education Source Ultimate via EBSCOhost
Education Source Ultimate is a comprehensive full-text database for education studies and research.
Taylor & Francis Online
Taylor & Francis Online provides access to over 200 education journals and over 100 psychology journals.
Computer Source via EBSCOhost [NTU Subscription]
Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. Topics covered include computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software.
OregonPDF in Health & Performance
OregonPDF in Health & Performance has been developed continuously since 1948 by the University of Oregon. The database provides access to graduate dissertations and theses in areas related to health and performance from colleges and universities throughout the world. Academic areas of interest include physical activity, biochemistry, biomechanics, dance, exercise physiology, history or philosophy of physical education, kinesiology, motor control, obesity, recreation, sports marketing, sports medicine, sports pedagogy, sports psychology, and tests and measurements.
Wanfang Data: China Online Journals
China Online Journals (COJ) provides access to the Philosophy/Politics/Law (哲学政法), Social Sciences (社会科学), Business/Economics/Finance(经济财政) and Education/Literature/Arts (教科文艺) series. The database covers over 3200 journals.
Newslink is an online newspaper archival service. The database covers news stories and articles written by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) journalists excluding stories from news agencies such as Reuters, AP, AFP, etc. Articles will be available on the next working day after publication, except for weekends (Saturday, Sunday & Monday issues will appear on Tuesday).
ProQuest Databases
ProQuest Databases include Education Database, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), Physical Education Index, ProQuest Global Newsstream, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and Psychology Database. Sign up for a personalised My Research account to save your search history, create email alerts/RSS feeds and organise your research with folders.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Gold Collection
The Royal Society of Chemistry Gold Collection provides access to peer-reviewed journals, magazines and databases, covering content published from 1876 to present. Database and journal titles from the RSC provide rapid access to developments in key areas of chemical research. Magazines and supplements include the award winning Chemistry World, with coverage of international chemical science and business news, and Education in Chemistry which is aimed at teachers of chemistry across all levels. Full text articles are available in both PDF and Rich HTML. Sign up for alerts or RSS feeds to receive the latest published content.